Christian Giving & Stewardship
On this page you can obtain the information you need if you wish to make a financial donation to the Scots Kirk Lausanne. The Scots Kirk receives no income from the central funds of the church or from the state. Our finances depend entirely on the Christian generosity of members and friends. You can contact our Congregational Treasurer if you would like to make a one-off donation. E-mail the Congregational Treasurer (
You may wish, however, to set up a bank instruction for your regular offering and giving. To do so please use the bank details below.
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV)
Address: Place St. François 14, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland.
CCP: 10-725-4
Account Name: Scots Kirk.
Account number: U 5113.11.76
Clearing: 767
IBAN: CH3500 767 000 U 5113 1176
Please consider pledging and committing to regular offerings as this will help sustain the life and witness of the Scots Kirk within the international community and area of Lausanne.
Pledging Scheme
Planned, conscientious and prayerful giving is a part of our calling as Christian disciples, helping us to grow personally and spiritually. Pledging allows us to plan our personal budget and to give a set amount regularly, instead of giving what we have left in our pocket on any one Sunday. We can pledge weekly, monthly or annually, depending on what is easiest.
Our annual statement of income and expenditure is produced for the Annual Congregational Meeting held in the spring. This is an opportunity for every member of the church to ask questions and have their say. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Pledging Coordinator if you would like to discuss any matter concerning stewardship and pledging.
Scots Kirk Accounts
The Church's accounts are presented for acceptance by the Congregation at the Annual Congregational Meeting, usually held sometime in March. The Audited Congregational Accounts are made available for all members to read, once they have been adopted by the Kirk Session.