

The Scots Kirk offers a variety of  regular activities for a diverse range of interest and age groups.  Many of these are currently suspended or adapted because of Covid-19. See also under What's on  for the calendar of upcoming events. 


Sunday Fellowship

Coffee and tea are served after the service, and on the first Sunday of the month there’s a potluck lunch. These are social moments to share news, meet new people and catch up with friends.


Bring & Buy Books

The second hand book shop, BnBB, is open on Wednesdays from 15h to 17h in the church hall. It is held throughout the year except for the weeks of Christmas and New Year and a couple of weeks in the summer. On the first and second Wednesdays of the month there are free English conversation classes.


Soup & Cheese Lunch

On the first Wednesday of each month, the Scots Kirk holds a Cheese and Soup lunch. Delicious soup made by members of the congregation is served with a selection of cheeses, fresh bread, and excellent company. It costs CHF 10 per person and all proceeds go to the Fondation Mère Sofia charity in Lausanne. 


Open Mic Night

Join us for an evening of fun. Come to perform or to applaud. All talents welcome!  Performers have 5 minutes on stage, sign up when you arrive. Open to everyone, food and drinks provided. Held quarterly on the St Andrew's stage. We look forward to seeing you.


Art Group

Begun by a former minister, the Reverend Douglas Murray, a keen and gifted amateur artist, the art group meets informally from 13.30h each Monday afternoon  in the Fellowship Centre on the first floor of St Andrew's House . Please just turn up. Don't worry if you do not have any materials, somebody will always be able to lend you what you need to get started.


Scottish Dancing 

The Scottish Country Dancing group meets in the Church Hall on Monday evenings at 19h30.  Both beginners and experienced dancers are welcome. Feel free to turn up and bring a friend if you wish. The group takes a break over the summer - check under What’s On to confirm the date.