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Choir Rehearsal for Carol Concert

  • Christ Church Avenue de l'Eglise-Anglaise Lausanne, VD, 1006 Switzerland (map)

If you enjoy singing, why not join the choir for the St François carol concert on Sunday 15 December at 17h. Everyone is welcome, even if you aren’t an experienced singer. Richard Walker is directing.

Four rehearsal dates have been fixed:

Sunday 10 November (14:00 - 16:00)
Sunday 24 November (starting 14:00 - duration to be decided)
Sunday 1 December (starting 14:00 - duration to be decided)
Friday 13 December (19:00 - 21:00)

Most or all of the rehearsals will be held at Christchurch.  

Please make it to as many rehearsals as you can manage — not everyone can make all the dates.

The list of carols is here — if possible print it out, in particular When a Child is Born.


Earlier Event: November 10
Sunday Service
Later Event: November 13
Bring & Buy Books