Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Robert Simpson. You can also tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Robert Simpson. You can also tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Robert Simpson. You can also tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, with Holy Communion, led by Rev. Robert Simpson. You can also tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service. On the first Sunday of the month, bring a sandwich or picnic so we can spend a bit more time together.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.

Annual Congregational Meeting
The Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM) will be held in the church, immediately after the service. Among other things, the congregational accounts for 2023 will be approved. You are warmly encouraged to attend.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Robert Simpson. You can also tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Allison Whiteley. You can also tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Robert Simpson. You can also tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, with Holy Communion, led by Rev. Robert Simpson. You can also tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service. On the first Sunday of the month, bring a sandwich or picnic so we can spend a bit more time together.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.

Easter Sunday Service
Christ is Risen! Join us for worship at 10h30, with Holy Communion, led by Rev. Donald Scott. You can also hear a recording on the website or tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded).
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Donald Scott. You can also hear a recording on the website or tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Donald Scott. You can also hear a recording on the website or tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Donald Scott. You can also hear a recording on the website or tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, with Holy Communion. You can also hear a recording on the website or tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service. On the first Sunday of the month, bring a sandwich or picnic so we can spend a bit more time together.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Donald Scott. You can also hear a recording on the website or tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Donald Scott. You can also hear a recording on the website or tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.

Bring & Buy Books
Bring & Buy Books offers a choice of more than 2,000 books - mostly in English, but some French too - at very reasonable prices. Come and browse and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
NB: We are overloaded with books, so we can only accept a maximum of 1 bag of books in excellent condition, per person.
Sunday Service
Join us for worship at 10h30, led by Rev. Joanne Evans-Boiten. You can also hear a recording on the website or tune in on Facebook at 10h30 for the live service (which is also recorded). Join us for coffee or tea in the church hall after the service.